
I highly recommend anyone with an LM that has Improved Sticky Gourd to go back and do some of the lower level epic instances. I did Fire and Ice today and it was loads of fun one-shotting groups of mobs. (Plus it was nice to finally get to read the quest dialogue that pops up when someone uses the first obelisk!) Who can resist doing damage like this (and yes I'm sure someone's done more :P)?

You wound the Angmarim Silkspinner with Improved Sticky Gourd for 4,229 points of Fire damage.

You wound the Oathsworn Caller with Improved Sticky Gourd for 5,314 points of Fire damage.

You wound the Oathsworn Caller with Ents go to War for 6,841 points of Fire damage.

Whee! I love loreblasting! *throws more fire*

And another shot showing off my new outfit and the pretty obelisks. :P